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Commands Reference


Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Shows the About window.

Add Filter

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Interface for adding a regular expression filter where you can select the row/column to apply the filter to.

Add Filter

Add Filter with Regular Expressions

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Interface for adding a filter where you can select the row/column to apply the filter to.

Add Next Match to Selection

Default Shortcut: ctrl+d

Default Shortcut: cmd+d

Premium License Only

Takes the contents of the main selected cell and also selects the next match, per the parameters in the Find menu (e.g. case-sensitivity, regular expression, whole cell, etc.).

Add or Remove License

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

License Manager window for adding or removing licenses.

Append Cell Contents

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Appends contents to all selected cells. You can choose whether to add the same text or different. The interface for the "different" option is the same as "Fill Selected Cells with Series".

Append Cell Contents

Buy a License

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Opens the Buy page at the Modern CSV website (

Check for Updates

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Checks with the server to see if there is a new version available. This is also performed automatically at startup, but it will only show a result if there is a new version.

Clear Cell Contents

Default Shortcut: del|backspace

Default Shortcut: del|backspace

Clears the selected cells.

Clear Cell Contents

Close All Files

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Closes all files.

Close All Files Except Current

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Closes all files except the current file.

Close File

Default Shortcut: ctrl+w

Default Shortcut: cmd+w

Closes the current file.

Close Folder

Default Shortcut: ctrl+alt+w

Default Shortcut: cmd+alt+w

Closes the currently opened folder if there is only one. If several folders are opened, allows you to choose which one to close.

Column Analysis (All Columns)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium Business License Only

Opens the Column Analysis feature and analyzes all columns. This provides information about the number of full vs. empty cells in a column, the lengths of the cells, and the type of data in the cells (number, date, or string).

Column Analysis (Selected Columns)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium Business License Only

Opens the Column Analysis feature and analyzes only the currently selected column. This provides information about the number of full vs. empty cells in a column, the lengths of the cells, and the type of data in the cells (number, date, or string).

Column Lookup

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium Business License Only

Similar to VLOOKUP in spreadsheet programs. Pulls in data from one location (the source) and copies it to another (the destination, either the same file or a different one).

It will ask you for a source "key" column and "value" columns, then a destination "key" column and "value" columns. It will copy the values from the source into the destination next to the corresponding key.

There can only be one key column for each the source and destination, but there may be multiple value columns. The value columns cannot be the same as the key column. The source and destination may be in different files.

When placing the destination values, it will ask you if you want to insert new columns or overwrite the existing columns.

Command Launcher

Default Shortcut: ctrl+L|ctrl+shift+p

Default Shortcut: cmd+L|cmd+shift+p

Interface for quickly calling or searching for commands by text. Uses fuzzy search, so you can leave out letters. It will also tell you the state of commands that have a state (e.g. changing settings).

Command Launcher

Convert Date/Time Format

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Converts the date/time data formats. For both input and output formats, you can choose between the following formats:

  • Custom (syntax is described when selecting this option)
  • ISO 8601
  • ISO 8601 (date only)
  • Unix Epoch Time (seconds)
  • Unix Epoch Time (milliseconds)
  • Excel Format

Convert Date/Time Format

Convert Number Format

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Converts numbers between dot decimal notation (e.g 3.1415926) and comma decimal notation (e.g. 3,1415926).

Convert to Acronym

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Creates an acronym from the data using the first letter of each word, with exceptions for small words like "the", "to", "a", etc.

Copy Cell(s)

Default Shortcut: ctrl+c

Default Shortcut: cmd+c

Copies the selected cells onto the clipboard in text/csv, text/plain, and text/html formats.

Copy Cell(s) with Header

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Copies the selected cells along with their column headers (last header row or row 1 if there are no header rows) onto the clipboard in text/csv, text/plain, and text/html formats.

Copy File Name to Clipboard

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Copies the current file's name, including extension, to the clipboard.

Copy File Path to Clipboard

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Copies the current file's full canonical filepath to the clipboard.

Copy Folder Path to Clipboard

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Copies the current file's folderpath to the clipboard.

Copy Main Cell Contents to All Selected Cells

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

If multiple cells are selected, this command will copy the main selected cells contents to the other cells. It will overwrite their contents.

Cut Cell(s)

Default Shortcut: ctrl+x

Default Shortcut: cmd+x

Cuts the selected cells' contents (i.e. copies them to the pasteboard and erases the cells) to the clipboard.

Delete File

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Deletes the current file.


Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Opens the Documentation page on the Modern CSV (

Duplicate Cell Contents To ...

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Copies the currently selected cells' contents to another cell. It will ask for a row and column of the destination cell which corresponds to the main selected cell. The other cells will be copied in the same positions relative to the main selected cell.

Duplicate Column(s)

Default Shortcut: ctrl+alt+c

Default Shortcut: cmd+alt+c

Makes a duplicate of the currently selected columns. This works on multiple columns at once.

Duplicate Rows/Columns

Duplicate Column(s) Multiple Times

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Makes multiple duplicates of the currently selected columns. It will ask how many you want. This works on multiple columns at once.

Duplicate File

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Makes a duplicate of the current file. It will ask you the name of the new file.

Duplicate Row(s)

Default Shortcut: ctrl+alt+r

Default Shortcut: cmd+alt+r

Makes a duplicate of the currently selected columns. This works on multiple columns at once.

Duplicate Rows/Columns

Duplicate Row(s) Multiple Times

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Makes multiple duplicates of the currently selected columns. It will ask how many you want. This works on multiple columns at once.

Duplicate Selected Cell Contents Down

Default Shortcut: ctrl+alt+down

Default Shortcut: cmd+alt+down

Makes duplicates of the currently selected cells in the cells below.

Duplicate Selected Cell Contents Left

Default Shortcut: ctrl+alt+left

Default Shortcut: cmd+alt+left

Makes duplicates of the currently selected cells in the cells to the left.

Duplicate Selected Cell Contents Right

Default Shortcut: ctrl+alt+right

Default Shortcut: cmd+alt+right

Makes duplicates of the currently selected cells in the cells to the right.

Duplicate Selected Cell Contents Up

Default Shortcut: ctrl+alt+up

Default Shortcut: cmd+alt+up

Makes duplicates of the currently selected cells in the cells above.

Edit File Extension Options File

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Opens the File Extension Options file.

File Extension Options File

Edit Keyboard Shortcuts File

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Opens the Keyboard Shortcuts file.

Keyboard Shortcuts File

Edit Preferences

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Opens the Preferences window where you can edit settings, keyboard shortcuts, and file extension options.

Edit Selected Cell

Default Shortcut: ctrl+e|f2

Default Shortcut: cmd+e|f2

Edit the main selected cell's contents without overwriting them.

Edit Settings File

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Opens the Settings file.

Settings File

Email Selected Email Addresses

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Opens the system's email client and places valid email addresses in the selected cells in the To field.


Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Quits the current instance of the program. If there are other instances open, they will remain open.

Fill Selected Cells with Series

Default Shortcut: ctrl+alt+n

Default Shortcut: cmd+alt+n

Premium License Only

Interface to fill the selected cells either with numbers separated by an interval or separate words or phrases. Instructions are displayed when the command comes up.

Fill Selected Cells with Series

Filter Selected Column

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Interface for applying a filter to the currently selected column. Instructions are in the interface.

Filter Selected Column with Regular Expressions

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Interface for applying a regular expressions filter to the currently selected column. Instructions are in the interface.

Filter Selected Column(s) with Selected Cell Contents

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Filters selected columns with the currently selected cell contents (i.e. cells without those contents get filtered out). You may select several cells within a column and you may select cells across several columns.

Filter Selected Row

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Interface for applying a filter to the currently selected row. Instructions are in the interface.

Filter Selected Row with Regular Expressions

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Interface for applying a regular expressions filter to the currently selected column. Instructions are in the interface.

Filter Selected Row(s) with Selected Cell Contents

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Filters selected rows with the currently selected cell contents (i.e. cells without those contents get filtered out). You may select several cells within a row and you may select cells across several rows.


Default Shortcut: ctrl+f

Default Shortcut: cmd+f

Interface for finding a phrase in the table. Find options include:

  • Case Sensitive
  • Regular Expressions
  • Match Whole Word
  • Match Whole Cell
  • Match Only in Selected Cells
  • Highlight Matches

Find Replace Pane

Find All Matches

Default Shortcut: alt+return

Default Shortcut: alt+return

Shows all matches for a phrase. The options are the same as in Find.

Find Next Match

Default Shortcut: f3

Default Shortcut: cmd+g

Navigates to the next match of the phrase in the Find pane.

Find Previous Match

Default Shortcut: shift+f3

Default Shortcut: cmd+shift+g

Navigates to the previous match of the phrase in the Find pane.

Default Shortcut: ctrl+r

Default Shortcut: c

Opens the system's default web browser and navigates to any URLs in the selected cells.

General Feedback/Questions

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Opens the Contact Us page on the Modern CSV website (

Go Down One Screen

Default Shortcut: pgdown

Default Shortcut: pg

Navigates the selected cell down one screen.

Go Left One Screen

Default Shortcut: alt+pgup|home

Default Shortcut: alt+pgup|

Navigates the selected cell left one screen.

Go Right One Screen

Default Shortcut: alt+pgdown|end

Default Shortcut: alt+pgdown

Navigates the selected cell right one screen.

Go Up One Screen

Default Shortcut: pgup

Default Shortcut:

Navigates the selected cell up one screen.

Go to Bottom

Default Shortcut: ctrl+end

Default Shortcut: cmd

Navigates the selected cell to the bottom of the table.

Go to Cell

Default Shortcut: ctrl+g

Default Shortcut: ct

Asks for a row and/or column to navigate to.

Go to Cell

Go to Far Left

Default Shortcut: ctrl+alt+home

Default Shortcut: cmd+alt+

Navigates to the left side of the table.

Go to Far Right

Default Shortcut: ctrl+alt+end

Default Shortcut: cmd+alt

Navigates to the right side of the table.

Go to File

Default Shortcut: ctrl+p|ctrl+t

Default Shortcut: cmd+p|c

Interface to quickly open a file using fuzzy search. The options provide are already open files or files within open folders or their subfolders.

Go to File

Go to Top

Default Shortcut: ctrl+home

Default Shortcut: cmd+

Navigates to the top of the table.

Hide All But Selected Column(s)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Hides all columns except those that are currently selected.

Hide All But Selected Row(s)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Hides all rows except those that are currently selected.

Hide Empty Column(s)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Hides all empty columns. Headers don't have to be non-empty.

Hide Empty Row(s)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Hides all empty rows. Headers don't have to be non-empty.

Hide Selected Column(s)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Hides the selected columns.

Hiding/Showing Columns

Hide Selected Row(s)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Hides the selected rows.

Insert Cells, Move Rest of Column Down

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Pushes cells down to create room for new cells at the selection. This works on multiple cells.

Insert Cells, Move Rest of Row Right

Default Shortcut: alt+enter

Default Shortcut: alt+e

Premium License Only

Pushes cells right to create room for new cells at the selection. This might be useful in case fields get shifted due to missing delimiters. This works on multiple cells.

Insert Column(s) After

Default Shortcut: ctrl+shift+enter

Default Shortcut: cmd+shift+e

Insert new empty columns to the right of the selected columns. This works on multiple columns.

Insert Column(s) Before

Default Shortcut: alt+c

Default Shortcut: a

Insert new empty columns to the left of the selected columns. This works on multiple columns.

Insert Rows/Columns

Insert Column(s) Before Multiple Times

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Insert more than one empty column to the left of the selected columns. This works on multiple columns.

Insert Row(s) After

Default Shortcut: ctrl+enter

Default Shortcut: cmd+e

Insert new empty rows below the selected rows. This works on multiple rows.

Insert Row(s) Before

Default Shortcut: alt+r

Default Shortcut: a

Insert new empty rows above the selected rows. This works on multiple rows.

Insert Rows/Columns

Insert Row(s) Before Multiple Times

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Insert more than one empty row above the selected rows. This works on multiple rows.

Invert Selection by Columns (Header Excluded)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

It will select every cell in a given row except the cells that were selected before the call was made. No header column will be selected.

Invert Selection by Rows (Header Excluded)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

It will select every cell in a given column except the cells that were selected before the call was made. No header row will be selected.

Join Selected Cells Horizontally

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Takes all groups of horizontally adjacent selected cells and places their data into the left-most cell of the group, leaving the rest empty. You may place text between the cells' data.

Join Cells

Join Selected Cells Horizontally, Move Rest of Row Left

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Takes all groups of horizontally adjacent selected cells, places their data into the left-most cell of the group, and moves the remaining cells in the row left. You may place text between the cells' data.

Join Selected Cells Vertically

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Takes all groups of vertically adjacent selected cells and places their data into the top cell of the group, leaving the rest empty. You may place text between the cells' data.

Join Cells

Keep Only Left Part of Selected Cells

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Keeps the left part of the selected cells and removes everything after. You get to decide how many characters to keep. A positive number, say 5, means you want to keep the first 5 characters. A negative number, say -5, means you want to remove the last 5 characters.

Keep Only Middle Part of Selected Cells

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Keeps the middle part of the selected cells and moves everything before and after. You get to decide which index to start and how many characters after that index to keep. If you type in, say "5 3", that means keep 3 characters starting at character 5 and remove everything else.

Keep Only Right Part of Selected Cells

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Keeps the right part of the selected cells and removes everything before. You get to decide how many characters to keep. A positive number, say 5, means you want to keep the last 5 characters. A negative number, say -5, means you want to remove the first 5 characters.

List Character Encodings

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Provides a list of character encodings. Selecting one and hitting enter will copy it to the clipboard. This is useful if you are editing the File Extension Options file directly.

Lower Camel Case

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Converts the phrases in the selected cells to lower camel case (e.g. lowerCamelCase).

Lower Case

Default Shortcut: ctrl+k,ctrl+l

Default Shortcut: ctrl+l

Premium License Only

Converts all characters in the selected cells to lower case.

Lower Underscore Case

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Converts the phrases in the selected cells to lower underscore case, aka snake case (e.g. snake_case).

Move Cell Contents Down

Default Shortcut: alt+down

Default Shortcut: alt+down

Move the selected cell contents down. The cells below will be moved above.

Move Cells

Move Cell Contents Left

Default Shortcut: alt+left

Default Shortcut: alt+left

Move the selected cell contents left. The cells to the left will be moved to the right.

Move Cells

Move Cell Contents Right

Default Shortcut: alt+right

Default Shortcut: alt+right

Move the selected cell contents right. The cells to the right will be moved to the left.

Move Cells

Move Cell Contents To ...

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Move the selected cell contents to some location of your choosing. It will ask you to enter a row and column location. Any cell contents already there will be overwritten.

Move Cell Contents Up

Default Shortcut: alt+up

Default Shortcut: alt+up

Move the selected cell contents up. The cells above will be moved below.

Move Cells

Move Column(s) Left

Default Shortcut: alt+shift+left

Default Shortcut: alt+shift+left

Move the selected columns left. The columns to the left will be moved to the right.

Move Rows/Columns

Move Column(s) Right

Default Shortcut: alt+shift+right

Default Shortcut: alt+shift+right

Move the selected columns right. The columns to the right will be moved to the left.

Move Rows/Columns

Move Column(s) to the Left of Column ...

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Move the selected columns before some other location. If several non-adjacent columns are selected, they will be placed adjacent to each other.

Move File

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Move the current file to some other folder.

Move Row(s) Down

Default Shortcut: alt+shift+down

Default Shortcut: alt+shift+down

Move the selected rows down. The columns below will be moved above.

Move Rows/Columns

Move Row(s) Just Above Row ...

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Move the selected rows above some other location. If several non-adjacent rows are selected, they will be placed adjacent to each other.

Move Row(s) Up

Default Shortcut: alt+shift+up

Default Shortcut: alt+shift+up

Move the selected rows up. The columns above will be moved below.

Move Rows/Columns

New File

Default Shortcut: ctrl+n

Default Shortcut: cmd+n

Create a new table file.

New Window

Default Shortcut: ctrl+shift+n

Default Shortcut: cmd+shift+n

Open a new Modern CSV window.

Open File

Default Shortcut: ctrl+o

Default Shortcut: cmd+o

Open an already existing file.

Open File Analysis Window

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium Business License Only

Open the File Analysis Window, which contains the following tabs:

  • Statistics
  • Column Analysis
  • Unique Values

Open File in Text Editor

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Open the current file in a text editor of your choosing. Set the Text Editor setting to the text editor's executable.

Open Folder

Default Shortcut: ctrl+alt+o

Default Shortcut: cmd+alt+o

Open a folder. Its table files will display in the sidebar and be available when calling the Go to File command.

Open Preference File Folder

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

In the file system, open the folder containing the preference files.

Open Recent File

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Shows a list of recently opened files that you can open.

Open Terminal to File's Directory

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Open a terminal window at the current file's directory.

Open Tutorial

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Open the tutorial file.

Paste Cell(s)

Default Shortcut: ctrl+v

Default Shortcut: cmd+v

Paste the contents of the clipboard to the table.

Place Current Date/Time Stamp (Now) in Selected Cells

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Place a timestamp with the current time into the selected cells. It allows you to choose the date/time format.

Prepend Cell Contents

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Prepends contents to all selected cells. You can choose whether to add the same text or different. The interface for the "different" option is the same as "Fill Selected Cells with Series".

Random Decimal (Float)s in Selected Cells

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Places random decimal numbers into the selected cells. You choose a range of values, several ranges of values, or a set of discrete values it can randomly choose from.

Random Integers in Selected Cells

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Places random integers into the selected cells. You choose a range of values, several ranges of values, and/or a set of distince values it can randomly choose from.


Default Shortcut: ctrl+y

Default Shortcut: cmd+y

If the Undo command was called, this redoes that command.

Refresh Filters

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Reapplies the filters. If you apply filters and edit a cell in such a way that its row would be filtered out, this command filters out that row.

Reload File

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Scraps all unsaved changes and reloads the current file.

Reload File with Different Parameters

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Shows the File Metadata bar where you can change the file's load parameters and reload it. All unsaved changes will be scrapped.

Remove All Filtered Out and Hidden Data

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

If filters are applied or rows/columns are hidden, this will delete all rows and columns that are currently not displayed.

Remove All Filters

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Removes all filters so you can see all the data in the file.

Remove All Headers

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Removes all header rows and columns by setting the Number of Header Rows and Number of Header Columns settings to 0.

Remove Column(s)

Default Shortcut: ctrl+shift+l

Default Shortcut: cmd+shift+l

Removes all selected columns.

Delete Rows/Columns

Remove Duplicate Column(s)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

For each column that has exact duplicates, removes the duplicate columns. The first one will remain.

Remove Duplicate Columns (Based on Selected Rows Only)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

For each column that has exact duplicate data only on the selected columns, removes the duplicate columns. The first one will remain.

Remove Duplicate Row(s)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

For each row that has exact duplicates, removes the duplicate rows. The first one will remain.

Remove Duplicate Rows

Remove Duplicate Rows (Based on Selected Columns Only)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

For each row that has exact duplicate data only on the selected rows, removes the duplicate rows. The first one will remain.

Remove Empty Column(s)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Removes all empty columns. Headers don't have to be non-empty.

Remove Empty Rows/Columns

Remove Empty Columns (Based on Selected Rows Only)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Hides all rows that are empty only on the selected columns. Headers don't have to be non-empty.

Remove Empty Row(s)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Removes all empty rows. Headers don't have to be non-empty.

Remove Empty Rows/Columns

Remove Empty Rows (Based on Selected Columns Only)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Hides all columns that are empty only on the selected rows. Headers don't have to be non-empty.

Remove Extraneous Rows and Columns

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Removes empty rows and empty columns at the end of a table.

Remove Header Columns

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Sets the Number of Header Columns setting to 0.

Remove Header Rows

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Sets the Number of Header Rows setting to 0.

Remove Individual Filter(s)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Lists the filters so you can choose one to remove.

Remove Individual Filter(s)

Remove Leading Zeros

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Removes any 0s that may be at the beginning of a cell. It will leave one if it's a decimal numbers (e.g. 000.6259 will become 0.6259).

Remove Rest of Columns

Default Shortcut: ctrl+k,ctrl+j

Default Shortcut: cmd+k,cmd+j

Premium License Only

Deletes the currently selected cells plus the remainder of their columns.

Remove Rest of Rows

Default Shortcut: ctrl+k,ctrl+k

Default Shortcut: cmd+k,cmd+k

Premium License Only

Deletes the currently selected cells plus the remainder of their rows.

Remove Row(s)

Default Shortcut: ctrl+shift+k

Default Shortcut: cmd+shift+k

Removes the selected rows.

Delete Rows/Columns

Remove Selected Cells, Move Rest of Column Up

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Deletes currently selected cells and pushes the rest of the columns in which they reside up.

Remove Selected Cells, Move Rest of Row Left

Default Shortcut: alt+delete|alt+backspace

Default Shortcut: alt+delete|alt+backspace

Premium License Only

Deletes currently selected cells and pushes the rest of the columns in which they reside up.

Rename File

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Allows you to pick a new name for the file.


Default Shortcut: ctrl+h

Default Shortcut: cmd+alt+f

Opens the Replace pane to replace words or phrases throughout the file. The following options are available:

  • Case Sensitive
  • Regular Expressions
  • Match Whole Word
  • Match Whole Cell
  • Match Only in Selected Cells
  • Highlight Matches
  • Replace Preview

Find Replace Pane

Replace All Matches

Default Shortcut: ctrl+alt+return

Default Shortcut: cmd+alt+return

Replace every match of the Find field with the Replace field in the Replace pane, according to the selected replace options.

Replace Next Match

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Replaces the next match in the Find field with the Replace field, according to the selected options.

Replace Previous Match

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Replaces the previous match in the Find field with the Replace field, according to the selected options.

Report a Bug

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Opens the Report a Bug page on the Modern CSV website (

Request a Feature

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Opens the Request a Feature page on the Modern CSV website (

Reshape Selected Cells Column-Wise

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Takes the selected cells and wraps them column-wise into new dimensions. You can define either how many rows or how many columns the new shape will have.

Reshape Selected Cells Row-Wise

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Takes the selected cells and wraps them row-wise into new dimensions. You can define either how many rows or how many columns the new shape will have.

Restore File Extension Options File

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Restores the File Extension Options File back to its default state, removing any edits that have been made to it.

Restore Keyboard Shortcuts File

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Restores the Keyboard Shortcuts File back to its default state, removing any edits that have been made to it.

Restore Settings File

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Restores the Settings File back to its default state, removing any edits that have been made to it.

Restore Tutorial to Default

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Restores the Tutorial File back to its default state, removing any edits that have been made to it.

Save All Files

Default Shortcut: ctrl+shift+s

Default Shortcut: cmd+shift+s

Saves all open files.

Save File

Default Shortcut: ctrl+s

Default Shortcut: cmd+s

Saves the current file.

Save File As

Default Shortcut: ctrl+alt+s

Default Shortcut: cmd+alt+s

Saves the current file with a different name.

Save Visible Data As

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

If rows or columns are filtered out or hidden, this command will save only the currently visible data to a new file.

Select All Matches

Default Shortcut: ctrl+shift+d|alt+f3

Default Shortcut: ctrl+shift+d|alt+f3

Premium License Only

Selects all matches in the Find pane's Find field with the selected options.

Select Duplicate Column(s)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Selects each column that has exact duplicates.

Select Duplicate Columns (Based on Selected Rows Only)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Selects each column that has exact duplicate cells only in the selected rows.

Select Duplicate Row(s)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Selects each row that has exact duplicates.

Select Duplicate Rows (Based on Selected Columns Only)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Selects each row that has exact duplicate cells only in the selected columns.

Select From Main Cell To ...

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Selects a rectangle of cells in which one corner is the main selected cell and the opposite corner is a cell that you define.

Select Left To Start of Row (Header Excluded)

Default Shortcut: shift+home

Default Shortcut: shift+home

Selects all cells between the selected cells and the start of the rows on which they reside, excluding header columns.

Select Right to End of Row

Default Shortcut: shift+end

Default Shortcut: shift+end

Selects all cells between the selected cells and the end of the rows on which they reside.

Select Up to Top of Column (Header Excluded)

Default Shortcut: ctrl+shift+home

Default Shortcut: cmd+shift+home

Selects all cells between the selected cells and the tops of the columns on which they reside, excluding header rows.

Select Values in Selected Column to Filter

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium Business License Only

Opens the Unique Values feature which shows each unique value in the column. You can select one or more and either filter them in (i.e. view only rows with those values) or filter them out (i.e. view all rows except rows with those values).

Set Header Columns to Selected Column

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Sets the Number of Header Columns setting to whatever row the main selected cell is on.

Set Header Rows to Selected Row

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Sets the Number of Header Rows setting to whatever row the main selected cell is on.

Set Headers to Selected Cell

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Set the Number of Header Rows and Number of Header Columns to whatever row and column the main selected cell is on.

Set Number of Decimals

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

For decimal numbers, set the number of digits after the dot, or the comma, depending on number system.

Set Parameters for File Save

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Opens the File Metata pane where you can set the file save parameters and save the file if you wish.

Set Selected Column Width(s)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Allows you to decide how wide you want the currently selected columns to be in pixels.

Set Selected Row Height(s)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Allows you to decide how tall you want the currently selected rows to be in pixels.

Show All Hidden Column(s)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Shows all the hidden columns, but not filtered out columns.

Show All Hidden Row(s)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Shows all the hidden rows, but not filtered out rows.

Show Empty Column(s)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Shows all empty columns that were hidden with the Hide Empty Column(s) command.

Show Empty Row(s)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Shows all empty rows that were hidden with the Hide Empty Column(s) command.

Show File in File System

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Opens the OS's file system to the current file's folder.

Show Hidden Column(s) in Selection

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Shows the hidden columns between selected columns.

Hiding/Showing Columns

Show Hidden Row(s) in Selection

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Shows the hidden rows between the selected rows.

Sort Selected Cells Horizontally - Ascending

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Sorts only the contents of the selected cells horizontally (i.e. within their respective rows) in ascending order. Uses a combination of numerical and lexicographical sort.

Sort Selected Cells Horizontally - Descending

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Sorts only the contents of the selected cells horizontally (i.e. within their respective rows) in descending order. Uses a combination of numerical and lexicographical sort.

Sort Selected Cells Vertically - Ascending

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Sorts only the contents of the selected cells vertically (i.e. within their respective columns) in ascending order. Uses a combination of numerical and lexicographical sort.

Sort Selected Cells Vertically - Descending

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Sorts only the contents of the selected cells vertically (i.e. within their respective columns) in descending order. Uses a combination of numerical and lexicographical sort.

Sort Selected Column - Ascending

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Sorts the table's rows such that the main selected cell's column is in ascending order. Does not sort header rows. Uses a combination of numerical and lexicographical sort.

Sort Columns

Sort Selected Column - Descending

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Sorts the table's rows such that the main selected cell's column is in descending order. Does not sort header rows. Uses a combination of numerical and lexicographical sort.

Sort Columns

Sort Selected Row - Ascending

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Sorts the table's columns such that the main selected cell's row is in ascending order. Does not sort header columns. Uses a combination of numerical and lexicographical sort.

Sort Selected Row - Descending

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Sorts the table's columns such that the main selected cell's row is in descending order. Does not sort header columns. Uses a combination of numerical and lexicographical sort.

Split Selected Cells Horizontally

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Split the cells, either by delimiter or index, horizontally. It will create new columns to place the new data.

Split Cells

Split Selected Cells Vertically

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Split the cells, either by delimiter or index, vertically. It will create new rows to place the new data.

Split Cells

Statistics of All Columns

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium Business License Only

Open the Statistics tab of the File Analysis window to show basic statistics about all the columns of the current file. These include:

  • Number of Data Points
  • Sum
  • Mean
  • Variance
  • Standard Deviation
  • Median
  • Min
  • Max
  • 20th Percentile
  • 40th Percentile
  • 60th Percentile
  • 80th Percentile

Variance and standard deviation are biased.

Statistics of Selected Columns

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium Business License Only

Open the Statistics tab of the File Analysis window to show basic statistics about the selected columns of the current file. These include:

  • Number of Data Points
  • Sum
  • Mean
  • Variance
  • Standard Deviation
  • Median
  • Min
  • Max
  • 20th Percentile
  • 40th Percentile
  • 60th Percentile
  • 80th Percentile

Variance and standard deviation are biased.

Stop Editing

Default Shortcut: ctrl+e

Default Shortcut: cme+e

Stop editing and go back to navigation.

Switch to Tab on the Left

Default Shortcut: ctrl+pgup

Default Shortcut: cmd+pgup

If you have several tabs open, this will switch to the one on the left.

Switch to Tab on the Right

Default Shortcut: ctrl+pgdown

Default Shortcut: cmd+pgdown

If you have several tabs open, this will switch to the one on the right.

Take a Survey

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Open the Take a Survey page on the Modern CSV website (

Title Case

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Convert all characters in the selected cells to title case (e.g. Title Case).

Transpose Selected Cells

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Rotate the currently selected cells so rows become columns and columns become rows.

Transpose Selected Cells

Transpose Table

Default Shortcut: ctrl+alt+t

Default Shortcut: cmd+alt+t

Premium License Only

Rotate the entire table so rows become columns and columns become rows.

Transpose Table

Trim Selected Cell(s)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Remove all spaces at the beginning and end of the selected cells.


Default Shortcut: ctrl+z

Default Shortcut: cmd+z

Undo the last command as if you hadn't performed it.

Unique Values of Selected Column

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium Business License Only

Open the Unique Values tab of the File Analysis window to view the unique values of the main selected cell's column. It will show you how many times each value appears in the columns, the percent of columns with the value, and a histogram to vizualize it.

Upper Camel Case

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Converts all characters in the selected cells to upper camel case (e.g. UpperCamelCase).

Upper Case

Default Shortcut: ctrl+k,ctrl+u

Default Shortcut: ctrl+u

Premium License Only

Converts all characters in the selected cells to upper case (e.g. UPPER CASE).

Upper Underscore Case

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Converts all characters in the selected cells to upper undercore case aka upper snake case (e.g. UPPER_SNAKE_CASE).

View Changelog

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

View changes to the latest versions of Modern CSV.

View/Edit Filter(s)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

View and edit the existing filters.

View/Edit Filters

Web Search for Selected Places in Map

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

For each selected cell, opens a browser tab and performs a search in whatever search engine you want. Set the Search Engine setting to whatever search engine you want.

Web Search for Selected Terms

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

For each row in the selection, opens a browser tab and performs a search in whatever online map you want. It will concatenate data from different columns in the same row. For instance, if address, city, and postal code are in separate columns, you can select all three and get one search per row. Set the Online Map setting to whatever online map you want.

Zero-Fill Whole Numbers

Default Shortcut: (none)

Default Shortcut: (none)

Premium License Only

Adds 0s to the front of a whole number to ensure you end up with as many digits as you need.